The smell of fresh bread in the oven always makes my day. Furthermore, it makes the bread so irresistible. I’m not much of a baker but for that refreshing aroma, I would work in a bakery any day. I’ve been playing a lot with bread dough lately and I thought I should try rye bread for a change. The kneading was a bit sticky but the bread came out light and soft yet crusty on the outside



2 cups flour

2 cups rye flour

1 tsp salt

2 cups warm water

1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp molasses

1 tbsp honey

1 pkt yeast

30 ml vegetable oil

Flour for dusting



1. In a bowl mix the) flour, rye flour and salt.

2. Dissolve the sugar, molasses and honey in the warm water.

3. Add the yeast to the water mixture and mix.

Set aside until the yeast foams.

4. Add the yeast mixture and oil to the flour mixture and combine.

5. Put dough on a floured surface and knead for 5-10 minutes, or until the dough is smooth.

6. Place in an oiled bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth. Let the dough rise until it has doubled in size (took about 1 hour).

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

8. Punch the dough down, shape it into a loaf and place on a baking sheet.

9. Dust the top with flour ( I used corn flour) and score the top using a sharp knife (optional)

9. Let the dough rise again for 20-25 minutes.

10. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until bread sounds hollow when you tap it.

11. Remove from the oven and cool.